Monday, March 28, 2016

A STAAR letter to my students

My 5th graders will take the STAAR test this week. Math on Tuesday and Reading on Monday! I wanted to be sure that they knew some things before they tested. Here is the letter I sent home on Monday.

My precious 5th graders,

Here are some things that I want you to know before you take your STAAR test. I know that we have put a lot of emphasis on the importance of this test (and it is SUPER important) but, there are some other important things you need to know!
1. You are Amazing! Pass or fail you have done AMAZING things this year! Don’t let the test tell you that you are not! It took amazing students to jump into reading the way that you have this year!

2. This one day does not determine how smart you are! Think of all the stuff you have learned this year! Think of all that you have added to your brain! One test on one day is not going to determine how much you have taken away.

3. You have awesome character! Not only has your brain grown this year but so has your heart! There is no way a test could measure the

love, joy, friendship, humor  and 7 habit traits that you have displayed in 5th grade. I got to see firsthand and you have blown me away with your precious spirits. Not to mention all of the laughing that has occurred!

4. There is only 1 you- it is totally true! You have a heart, talent and future that no one else in this world has! This test can’t define that!

5.  Pass or Fail I am incredibly proud of you! You have worked hard and I am honored to call you my student! I know the amount of work we did with inferencing, summary (BME), authors purpose, main idea, plot, and this list could fill the page, and I also know that you ROCKED it! I have no doubt that you will rock it on STAAR.

I know that you will take something away by taking the STARR test and that there is a value with the test but more importantly there is an incredible value in you! And nothing not even a test can define that!

                                                          Love:                                                               Mrs. Manes

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