Monday, December 14, 2015

I Stand Amazed!!

As I sit here with my students writing attentively I am overwhelmed by who they are becoming as young men and women.  I was lucky enough to have many of these students in 3rd grade and have gotten to see them grow not only educationally, but also see their personalities blossom.

The assignment was to write a letter thanking an adult on our campus. My instructions were simple…why are you thankful for this person and what would you want to tell them if you had the opportunity. As a teacher I shamefully admit that I thought this assignment would be sloughed off by the students seeing as it is the week before Christmas break. To my surprise and delight they have proven me very wrong.

Each one of them thoughtfully considered who they would write their letter to. They brain stormed their ideas (many filling a page with a bubble map of ideas and reasons they were thankful). Then they set to writing. Usually in my classroom there is a low dull noise of talking…not this time. It was silent! They were working fiercely and thoughtfully. The sweet writing that came from their hearts had me in tears after they went to P.E.

Each letter had been filled with genuine reasons of thanks! I was so proud of my 5th grade babies, not only for their technical skills but also the way that they wrote from their growing little hearts.

Teaching is a difficult profession with daily challenges, but after reading those letters I am reminded of how precious an opportunity I am blessed with everyday, growing the minds and hearts of our future adults. Thank you Lord for this honor you have given me! 

Monday, August 17, 2015


Woo Hoo!!! It is time to head back to school and this teacher could NOT be more excited! I will be teaching 5th grade ELAR and Social Studies. We kick off with meet the teacher on Tuesday night 5:30-7:30- this is the perfect time to drop off your supplies and come meet my smiling face! Our FIRST DAY is Wednesday the 19th!

We have an amazing team this year and we are so excited and honored to be teaching your kiddos! I will be posting contact information and classroom pictures soon!! Stay tuned for more on this aMANESing year!!