Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our Disguised Turkey's

This year our kiddos got to disguise turkeys from the holiday eaters! They also wrote letters that explained to the hungry families why they should not be eaten.

Our top answers were
- My babies will miss me
-It would ruin my trip to Disney Land
- My boss expects me at work the next day
-Christmas is my favorite holiday and I DONT want to miss it!

The kids worked very hard on their turkey's and they turned out AWESOME!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


So obviously I have not done a fantastic job keeping up on my blog! It has been a crazy year this far! My 6 weeks of maternity leave flew by and I have been busy getting to know and falling in love with my new second grade kiddos! I must admit it was quite an adjustment going from 3rd to 2nd, but I am loving it more and more everyday!!

We have been busy working on addition and subtraction and those dreaded WORD problems!! These have been tough! I wanted to share some awesome sites that can help with math... This is good for math, reading and spelling

If you have access to an Iphone or an Ipad there are also Apps. that will help. Simply search second grade math and multiple will pop up. There are some that cost however there are some that are also free. If we can make it fun and add some competition it helps with their excitement in math learning.

There are also games that you can print and play at home. Email me if you are interested and I will send them to you.

Hopefully I will update again soon!!!