Monday, November 11, 2013

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Just wanted to remind everyone! Parent/Teacher conferences are tomorrow evening. If you are interested in meeting please contact the office to set up a time! I hope to see all of you there!!


Amy Manes

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall is Falling in Third Grade!

With this coming season we will be focusing on building community within our classroom! We will be becoming secret agents and begin to secretly perform random acts of kindness within our classroom and outside our classroom as well. I encourage you to expand this into your home! I can't wait to share the stories of the awesome acts that my sweet students perform! Check back soon to see! Here is a list of some random acts of kindness that we could all perform!

  1. Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.
  2.  Collect goods for a food bank.
  3.   Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers.
  4.   Volunteer to be a tutor in a school.
  5.   Extend a hand to someone in need. Give your full attention and simply listen.
  6.   Bring coworkers a special treat.
  7.   Students can clean classrooms for the custodian.
  8.   Buy a stranger a free pizza.
  9.   Offer a couple of hours of baby-sitting to parents.
  10.   Treat someone to fresh fruit.
  11.   Pay a compliment at least once a day.
  12.   Be a good neighbor. Take over a baked treat or stop by to say “Hello.”
  13.   Transport someone who can’t drive.
  14.   Mow a neighbor’s grass.
  15.   Say something nice to everyone you meet today.
  16.   Send a treat to a school or day-care center.
  17.   Wipe rainwater off shopping carts or hold umbrellas for shoppers on the way to their cars.
  18.   Give the gift of your smile.
  19.   Adopt a homeless pet from the humane society.
  20.   Offer to answer the phone for the school secretary for ten minutes.
  21.   Volunteer to read to students in the classroom.
  22.   Write notes of appreciation and bring flowers or goodies to teachers or other important people, such as the principal, nurse, custodian, and secretary.
  23.   Give a hug to a friend.
  24.   Tell your children why you love them.
  25.   Write a note to your mother/father and tell them why they are special.
  26.   Pat someone on the back.
  27.   Write a thank-you note to a mentor or someone who has influenced your life in a positive way.
  28.   Give coffee to people on their way to work in the morning.
  29.   Give blood.
  30.   Visit hospitals with smiles, treats, and friendly conversation for patients.
  31.   Stop by a nursing home, and visit a resident with no family nearby.
  32.   Plant flowers in your neighbor’s flower box.
  33.   Give another driver your parking spot.
  34.   Leave a treat or handmade note of thanks for a delivery person or mail carrier.
  35.   Tell your boss that you think he/she does a good job.
  36.   Leave an extra big tip for the waitperson.
  37.   Drop off a plant, cookies, or donuts to the police or fire department.
  38.   Open the door for another person.
  39.   Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through
  40.   Leave a bouquet of flowers on the desk of a colleague at work.
  41.   Pay for the person behind you in the movie line.
  42.   Give friends and family kindness coupons they can redeem for kind favors (this would be great to do with your kiddo!)
  43.   Renew an old friendship by sending a letter or small gift to someone you haven’t talked with in a long time.
  44.   For one week, act on every single thought of generosity that arises spontaneously in your heart, and notice what happens as a consequence.
  45.   Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car.
  46.   Buy a roll of brightly colored stickers and give them to children you meet during the day.
  47.   Write a card of thanks and leave it with your tip. Be sure to be specific in your thanks.
  48.   Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line.
  49.   When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile. (this one can be tough!)
  50.   Buy cold drinks for the people next to you at a ball game.
  51.   Distribute kindness bookmarks that you have made.
  52.   Create a craft project or build a bird house with a child.
  53.   Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person.
  54.   Laugh out loud often and share your smile generously.
  55.   Plant a tree in your neighborhood.
  56.   As you go about your day, pick up trash.
  57.   Send a letter to some former teachers, letting them know the difference they made in your life.
  58.   Send a gift anonymously to a friend.
  59.   Buy books for a day care or school.
  60.   Slip a $20 bill to a person who you know is having financial difficulty.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rounding Round Up!!

This week in math we have been focusing on rounding!! I have attached the game that we have been playing in class so that you can play it at home!! Click on this link and it will take you directly to the game!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Our Community

This week we have been talking about our community! My awesome kiddos came up with some great ways to help our community! Here are some way that they came up with...

They did an AWESOME job!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lots and lots of testing!! :(

We have been busy this week with TPRI testing! My students have been phenomenal these last 2 days of testing! I am so blessed with an AMANESING class this year! We have had so much fun getting to know each other these first 2 weeks! Next week we have more tests :( we do preassessments on Monday and Tuesday (in math and reading) and then have 3 week tests on Thursday and Friday. I know it seems like a lot at the beginning but everyone has done great so far! Please check out our wish list! If you could help by donating any of the items is would be a HUGE help!!


1. Portable CD players
2. Colored note cards
3. Post it notes
4. Art Supplies

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Classroom!!

I'm so excited about our classroom this year!!! It is very bright and fun! We are doing some new things this year including Daily 5, Classroom Boggle, Attention Grabbers, and other fun things!!! There are a couple of things missing from the pictures but this is our aMANESing room!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013



Welcome to our Third Grade Blog!! First let me say I am SO SO SO glad that you are here! You will find LOTS of information! We will be sending home a weekly newsletter on Friday with information for the next week, however if you misplace it just check the blog and you will find what you need! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything or have any concerns! I will soon be posting pictures of our awesome classroom so check back soon! 

Mrs. Manes